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« Review: Steam of Life | Main | Summer documentary review round-up »

May 18, 2010


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Wow nice picture!! the black jacket really match up with your chinese dress..Hmm she looks cute!

James McNally

Nicely done, Erin. I've been involved a bit in this process but never had any responsibilities during the festival itself, so it's interesting to see all the things that need to be taken care of.

Hope you enjoyed yourself in Toronto and that you'll come back soon!

Erin D.

It's the only time I felt a Canadian being stern with me, and that includes the fit I threw at the airport when my flight was canceled.

Mad Hatter

Great interview Erin, very cool to hear how the whole process goes down...especially the sort of "jury process" where films that might not speak to one particular viewer are given over to someone else.

Oh, and the cell phone thing is happening all over's at its worst during TIFF.

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