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January 03, 2009


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I understood The Happening perfectly; windy tress as the "villians" and Marky Midget talking to PLASTIC plants! Oh yeah, King of Kong RULES, lame-o blogs don't!

Erin Donovan

King of Kong is a terribly made documentary about a subject of niche interest. That Seth Gordon spent this year making Four Christmases confirms my theory that "point a camera at a trainwreck" does not an auteur make.

Thanks for the salute, Andrew! Enjoy that John Brahm box set.

Andrew James

Oh yes, and while I have not seen it yet, I am very skeptical of your listing Steven Soderbergh's "Che" on your 'worst of' list. The man was not done a film yet which should be on any list that has the word "worst" on it.

Not to mention Del Toro's Oscar buzz. I'm becoming increasingly uncertain about my statement earlier about refined taste.

Andrew James

You have some really good choices here and it seems your taste in film is fairly refined. Nice to see "Happy-Go-Lucky" there as well as "Let the Right One In" and "Synecdoche." It's rare to see so many film titles I've never heard of. Very rare. Some of these (like 881 and Frownland), must be ultra-indie or didn't get much of a release? PS - Bordertown is '06 I think. I saw it on DVD a long time ago.

But there are some truly baffling choices in your negative lists. TDK certainly isn't on my top ten of the year, but WORST of the year? Really? Same goes for "Paranoid Park" and "Appaloosa." Again, I guess I can understand that they're not going to be everyone's cup of tea, but WORST movies of the year? If that's the worst you've seen, then I salute you.

And seeing King of Kong on your "worst of" list is beyond baffling. It's damn near blasphemous.

Otherwise, interesting read. I'll definitely check out your "discoveries" list more closely.

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